Notch is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism.

Notch believes that:

  • Our core values are strengthened when every person has a voice and is encouraged to contribute.

  • Every person has a contribution to make to the whole. It is our duty to encourage and promote that contribution.

  • Equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism are an active process that requires continuous commitment to accomplish our mission.

We embrace, encourage, and celebrate our employees’ and customers’ differences in age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make our employees unique.

Notch’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism initiatives are applicable—but not limited—to our practices and policies on recruitment and selection; compensation and benefits; professional development and training; promotions; transfers; social and recreational programs; layoffs; terminations; and the ongoing development of a work environment built on the premise of gender and diversity equity that encourages and enforces:

  • Respectful communication and cooperation between all employees and customers

  • Teamwork and participation, permitting the representation of all group perspectives.

  • Work/life balance through flexible work schedules to accommodate employees’ varying needs.

  • Employer and employee contributions to the communities we serve to promote a greater understanding and respect for diversity.

At Notch, we commit to the following:

  • Make Notch a safe and welcoming place for all people.

  • See diversity, inclusion, equity and anti-racism as connected to our mission and critical to ensuring the well-being of our employees, customers and the communities we serve.

  • Be aware of our own biases against people who are different from us, and to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and words, even if it is uncomfortable.

  • Provide on-going training and resources to all employees.

  • Explore potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions that interfere with inclusiveness.

  • Engage in respectful dialogue and language that is responsible and sensitive to the opinions of others and free of discriminatory and racist remarks, in and outside of the workplace.

  • Acknowledge and dismantle inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services, and continually update and report organization progress.

  • Create new leadership opportunities for current and future employees within different programs and events.

  • Create new opportunities for team leaders through restructuring, leadership and mentorship opportunities.

  • Intentionally and consistently act to address societal inequity and injustice in the broader community.

All employees and customers of Notch have a responsibility to treat others with courtesy, dignity, and respect at all times through all types of communication. All employees are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion during work, at work functions on or off the worksite, and at all other organization-sponsored and participative events.

Any employee found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Employees who believe they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination that conflicts with the organization’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism policy and initiatives can and should report incidents to their supervisor. If they are not comfortable doing we encourage employees to utilize our anonymous reporting initiative - “#NotMe”. NotMe is monitored and administered by a trusted third-party human resources company.

Customers who believe they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination, from an employee or fellow customer, that conflicts with Notch’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism policy and initiatives can and should report incidents to